GSS™ Stores

GSS™ offer a specialist one stop shop for all your security equipment from the very best creators and developers in this field.

GSS™ MainStore

Main Entrance

The GSS™ MainStore

Examples of available items for sale :
High-End home, business, land and sim security & protection systems 
Security Orbs 
Personal Protection Devices 
SIM Radars 
Linked Ban & Eject Devices 
Avatar trackers 
Age Banners 
Offensive weaponry of all types 
Combat Equipment and Gear 
Gor and Vampire weaponry 
Spell HUDs 
Combat HUDs 
Utility HUDs

Combat Arenas
GSS™  are recognised as a recommended dealer of choice by SafeAssist™
GSS™  are officially authorised dealers of :
SWA Security & Gadgets
Sparrow Industries 
Aozora Phenom Evolution HUD 
Thomas Conover Products  

Other Creators featured :

Magic Emerald
Yao Imaginations
Triple Labs
Titan Weapons
Aubretec Products
D1 & MTG
The Omega Concern

Please join the GSS™ Subscibe-O-Matic group from the MainStore -  to stay updated with available products, Recommendations and information.
If you need any assistance or product recommendations, contact Ghost™ or Naila. 

See the Contact Us page for offline details.
Stay safe, 


GSS™ McKindred Isle ... the flagship MainStore opened in November 2011

SLURL : GSS™ Mainstore (click to TP)

Ground Floor ( Security Systmes )

Weapons Floor

Weapons Floor

HUDs Floor

HUDs Floor

GSS™ Ohana (Satellite Shop)

Our newest addition to the GSS™ Stores, opened in May 2012, is located at the Ohana Shopping Mall, as part of the awesome Ohana Estate.

The Ohana Shopping Mall is set on a tropical themed sim where you will also find the popular Ohana Rock Club & a Selection of Sky Homes.

More info on Ohana can be found on their website

SLURL to GSS™ Ohana 

GSS™ Lhilli (Satellite Shop)

Located at Lhilli Resort, Lhilli NEKO Mall is an extensive shopping area and hangout, created by Lhilli Praga.